Grenada, also known as Island of Spice is an island country located in the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea at the southern end of the Grenadines island chain. Grenada consists of the island of Grenada itself, two smaller islands, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, and several small islands.
Fundamental facts about Grenada
Tourism is the mainstay of Grenada's economy
St. George's is the capital of Grenada
English is the official language, but the main spoken language is either of two Creole languages
Eastern Caribbean Dollar is the country's currency
Grenada is of volcanic origin
Island culture is heavily influenced by the African roots
Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program
Grenada is the only Caribbean country that gives you the opportunity to be able to reside in USA through the US E2 non-immigrant visa! This is an incredible opportunity as many countries such as China, Russia, India and countries of the Gulf region do not have an E-2 treaty with the US, you can obtain your citizenship of Grenada first then apply for USA E2 Visa.
In such a quick process to acquire citizenship about 3 to 4 months is one of the benefits of the program just as how the Grenada passport provides the citizens to visa free travel to 144 countries, including EU and UK.
Three options are provided for the Grenada citizenship by investment program. You can either,
A non-refundable minimum donation of 150,000 USD to The National Transformation Fund
Investing at least 350,000 USD in a property (The citizenship by investment program on real estate also allows you to sell your property after 5 years and this does not affect your citizenship)
Minimum 220,000 USD investment into the real estate projects in the Tourism Accommodation sector within the next five years from the date of the citizenship is approved
When applying for this program, children, parents and grandparents, as well as unmarried siblings, can be included under one application.
How the Acquisition Process Goes
With our guidance, you will be ensured that all you need for your application to go smoothly is covered. The documents required will be formed correctly, with utmost care and attention.
Firstly, we will check if you are eligible for the application. In order to acquire Grenada citizenship by investment, you have to have a clean criminal record and legitimate source of funds. Your entire family can be included too; the spouse, children until the 30 years of age, siblings older than 18 years of age and dependent parents.
Then, according to your choice of the investment options, we will start collecting the documents. Making sure that all the requirements are covered is essential for an easy and quick process for citizenship so by working with an experienced citizenship consultancy will save you time & money.
After reviewing your file, we will submit it to the government with a certified local agent as the law states. Your submission will be examined and verified without the need of an interview.
When your application gets a pre-approval, you will be issued a letter advising of the decision. Once your application is approved, it is required to transfer the final amount for the option you chose - either the non-refundable donation to the government or purchase price of the property- to Grenada.
After the completion of your investment, your citizenship certificate will be issued, and your passport application submitted on your behalf. You do not need to visit Grenada for this process and your passport will be delivered to your preferred address.